Our 5-Year Strategy

The Alliance reports through the Executive Director to a Governance Committee comprised of partnering organisation’s representatives and First Peoples Elders and operates under Aboriginal Terms of Reference.



Our endeavours are sustainable, transferable and translationed 

Our priorities are informed through the lens of First Peoples of the Metro North region 

Our work must benefit our communities and clients in the Metro North region 

Our activities focus on the whole of health care system and we strive for excellence and impact 


Privilege Indigenous ways of understanding, knowing, and doing 

Respectful of partners, collaborators and the community 

Transparent, clear and honest dialogue at all times 

Accountable to First Peoples 

Priority Areas 

1. Research, Evaluation and Knowledge Translation Research 

2. Workforce Development 

3. Engagement and Partnerships 

Our Initial Five-Year Research Agenda

RAUGH will focus on three priority areas:

Research, Evaluation and Knowledge Translation 

  • Establishment and conduct of research programs spanning primary, secondary and tertiary health care systems, including leveraging external research funding with a primary outcome to improve health services, programs and policy related to urban First Peoples.

  • As a priority, establish data linkages between the data sets of the partnering organisations to understand the scope of available information and therefore critical data gaps.

  • Evaluation of current programs, policies and practices spanning primary and tertiary health care systems.

  • Conduct of knowledge translation spanning research and health partners by implementing a knowledge translation program within the Alliance.

  • Best-practice data governance principles to accurately identify population needs to inform clinical priority areas and measures.

  • Co-designed models of care to improve cultural safety and patient experiences and reduce potentially preventable hospitalisations, discharges against medical advice and failures to attend.

  • Continuous quality improvement methodologies for the collection of high-quality data, monitoring and evaluation of services, programs and policies.

Workforce Development 

  • Support (where appropriate) education and workforce development programs that provide opportunities for staff within Metro North Health and IUIH to conduct culturally safe research, evaluation, and knowledge translation activities.

  • Research activities focused on First Peoples (but not exclusively) working in the public health and primary health care systems on workforce development, career pathways and translation of evidence into practice.

  • Facilitating UQ research project opportunities within the Alliance to achieve its vision and outcomes.

  • Providing training opportunities through research to improve cultural safety, patient experiences and enhanced monitoring and evaluation of Metro North Health activities focused on First Peoples.

Engagement and Partnerships 

  • Bringing together of Metro North Health, IUIH, Queensland Health and UQ that opens up collaboration with a broad network of stakeholders across South East Queensland and Australia.

Indigenous Data Governance

The effective governance of Indigenous Data empowers First Peoples to make the best decisions on how to support communities and First Peoples in the ways that meet their needs and aspirations. RAUGH is an Indigenous-led research alliance that is committed to working with the Metro North First Nations community and health services (specifically, but not exclusively, Metro North Health and IUIH) to co-design new services, programs and policies, and build workforce capacity, to accelerate progress towards achieving health equity and improved health outcomes for urban First Nations peoples.

All research undertaken by RAUGH and its collaborators will be governed by the Data Governance Framework, which outlines the process for accessing, linking, analysing, sharing and storing Indigenous Health data from Metro North Health and IUIH. This also includes the requirements governing dissemination of research findings from the analysis of data.

The Data Governance Framework is underpinned by Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Indigenous Data Governance. RAUGH acknowledges that First Peoples have the right to exercise control of the data ecosystem including creation, development, stewardship, analysis, dissemination and infrastructure. As such, this Framework has been developed to empower self-determination and ensure RAUGH’s data structures are accountable to First Peoples living in the Metro North region.

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